Embracing Our Mission and Our Future

2019 Stewardship Season

We have entered the Stewardship Season at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. Thanks to all who attended, as well as all who helped with the worship service and kickoff lunch last Sunday. Pat Harbison and friends provided some great jazz, and the newly launched Care Choir, under the direction of Heather Narducci offered a glimpse of the prospects for this ministry. Thanks especially to Operation Friendship for providing dessert for the lunch, as well as Martha Phileon and Bloomingfoods for helping supply the meal. The Stewardship Team is very grateful for the many ways so many of you offer time and talent to the ministry of St. Mark’s.

Once again this week, the stewardship packets containing the pledge cards will be available in Garton Hall. They are alphabetized and ready for you to pick up on Sunday morning. Those not collected by Sunday will be mailed, so thanks for your help in reducing the numbers of these we will be mailing.

In the packet, you will see a pledge card for the year 2020. On the card, you will be invited to pledge to our budget, which funds ongoing costs of the church, including our staff salaries, building maintenance, office expense, and our many ministries. You will also be asked to consider pledging to capital expenses, which includes building repair and innovation projects. We realize that not everyone’s financial year works the same, but as you are able, would you kindly return the pledge card by October 27.

We on the Stewardship Team look forward to “embracing our mission and our future” with all of you this Stewardship Season.