Sunday, April 26, 2020

Reverend Phil Amerson, preaching
Rediscovering the Essentials
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35

 Phil Amerson writes, “Twenty-five years ago Marcus Borg published the book: “Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time”.  In it, Borg challenged the easy images and assumptions many contemporary Christians have about Jesus of Nazareth.  The gospel lesson we are using in worship at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church this Sunday, Luke 24:13-35, is the compelling story of two of the earliest Jesus-followers.  They have witnessed the horror of the crucifixion but have missed the resurrection.  Traveling away from Jerusalem toward a place called Emmaus, they are joined by a stranger.  Upon arriving "home" they invite this fellow-traveler to their table and "met Jesus again for the first time." The story is so familiar for many of us.  Today, what might it help us see for the first time?  In this season of pandemic and fear, eager to get back to business-as-usual and back to something "normal," who and what might we re-discover to be essential?  Where is our true home? What might our eyes be opened to see for the first time?”

 We are very happy that Phil will be preaching for us this Sunday. He has served as pastor of Broadway United Methodist Church in Indianapolis and First United Methodist Church in Bloomington. In addition to other academic posts, Phil has also served as president of the Claremont School of Theology and of the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary on the campus of Northwestern University. In retirement, he continues his writing and speaking, and he shares life with Elaine in downtown Bloomington. We are fortunate that Elaine and Phil connect with the St. Mark’s community.

 Phil’s sermon this Sunday is titled, “Rediscovering the Essentials”. In addition to his sermon, we will sing hymns and read scripture, pray and have a children’s moment, and hear a musical piece from Brandan Sanchez.

To worship with us, join the service by visiting the St. Mark’s website at The stream will go active by 10:25 for the 10:30 service. The recording of the service is available under the video archives, also accessible by visiting the website, about an hour after the service ends.

 We look forward to connecting with you this Sunday!