Sunday, January 12, 2020

Beloved Child of God
Rev. Mary Beth Morgan, preaching
Matthew 3:13-17

One of the great gifts of serving as a pastor is being a part of the celebration of baptisms.  Each baptism is special, unique and sacred. When we have a babies or young children who are going to be baptized, I am especially attentive to what might make them feel more comfortable. Giving each child an opportunity to feel the water beforehand can help.

 A few months ago, one of our delightful young ones became immersed in the experience - literally. As we baptized her, she splashed and bathed herself in the baptismal waters, and us as well. It was a reminder that we are part of one larger family as beloved children of God, and are called to bless one another. This Sunday, we enter into the story of Jesus’ baptism, in the Gospel according to Matthew (3:13-17). All will be invited to Time of Remembrance of Baptism and Blessing. If baptized or not, each of us is a beloved child of God, and we are called to live in that knowing in the ways we care for one another and affirm the blessing of each person. The Chancel Choir will lead us in music during worship.

All are welcome, on Sunday morning, to get some breakfast anytime between 9:00-10:15am, to join others around tables, or to participate in a Sunday School class. If this will be your first Sunday at St. Mark’s, or if you have been here for decades; we look forward to sharing this time together on Sunday!