Sunday, May 17, 2020

Reverend Mary Beth Morgan, preaching
John 14:15-21
Come Along Side

This week I found myself remembering a day, a few months back, when I walked by the office doorway of Nursery School & Kindergarten Assistant Director, Robin Cole. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Robin sitting on the floor next to a young child who was probably around 4 years old, and who seemed to be having a challenging moment in his day. Even in that moment, I could feel how Robin’s gentle and caring presence was helping the child find a calmer space. In front of them, they had a collection of interesting objects, which we call “loose parts”, that they were exploring together. Immersed in this environment of care, wonder and possibility, this young one found some of his center again and enthusiastically shared what he was creating. Robin came along side him.

The scripture reading this week comes from the Gospel according to John. Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure from this world, but tells them he is not abandoning them. For, he will be sending paracletos, an Advocate which has a basic meaning of “come along side another.” Jesus did this in his time on earth, as does the Holy Spirit, and we are encouraged to do the same.

During the prelude this Sunday, we will share the pictures you sent of “Last Days of School” which have been very different this year. We will honor those who “came along side”: learners of all ages, teachers, parents, grandparents, all in education and others. And, we will honor and celebrate Robin, who is retiring (although Robin says “graduating”) after many years of inspiring and coming along side hundreds of children, parents, colleagues and others. Some of the pictures will be from the vehicle parade in front of her house.

Nursery School alumna, Yena Park, will read scripture (possibly with a little help from her brother Ian). We will sing hymns, pray, share in a Children’s moment, and be moved by some incredible music this week by our wonderful choir interns and Heather Orvek on the organ. To be a part, join the live stream by visiting the St. Mark’s website at We’ll look forward to connecting this Sunday at 10:30AM.