Sunday, October 22, 2023

Miriam Wright Edelman, president emerita of the Children’s Defense Fund, shared in a Ted Talk that she credits how her parents raised her, and her siblings, to the work she continues to do in life. Our parents said, “If you see a need, don't ask why somebody doesn't do something about it. See what you can do.”

Sunday, October 22 is this year’s observance of “Children’s Sabbaths” across faith and spiritual traditions. We are encouraged to focus our prayers, worship, learning opportunities, and actions around the urgent challenges and needs facing children. We are all called to address these needs in our community and beyond, and to nurture the next generations to do the same. We will explore what this means for us in worship this Sunday.

After we gather and greet one another, the children are invited to ring us into worship, with the bells. We will have a jazz ensemble leading us in music, along with the Chancel Choir and Ilze Akerbergs. There will also be a Children’s Moment. We will pray and reflect. Cooper Tucker will read our first scripture passage (Isaiah 58:10-12), followed by a Stewardship Moment from Marcia Lloyd. Whitney, Olive and Arlo Sullivan will read second scripture passage (Matthew 19:13-15). The sermon is titled “Coming Full Circle: Our Call to Nurture Current and Future Generations”.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream.